Kale is very healthy and full of vitamins. It is a very fun vegetable to use because it is versatile. You could make it into a pasta dish, a salad or my favorite; KALE CHIPS!! I know, I know, you're probably thinking " I prefer potato chips". But even though these will never replace the spot potato chips have in your heart, these are healthier and just as tasty. Here are some of the flavorings you can use:

Chili powder


World cuisine spices- cumin, sesame seeds, soy sauce, etc.


Black pepper

Any seasoned salts you have

Lemon zest

Dried herbs - thyme, basil, rosemary, etc.

Any type of cheese

Here's how to do it:

Tear kale into bite sized peices. Toss in a bowl with some olive oil and the seasoning(s) of you choice. Make sure that each kale leaf has some seasoning on it. Spread kale on baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 375 degrees for 10-15 min or until crisp. Enjoy!
~ the little pink chef

9/9/2013 09:59:09 am

All of my friends have been talking about kale chips; I guess I'll have to give these a try! Great blog!

The pink chef
9/9/2013 10:39:41 am

Thanks so much!! It means a lot to me that you are checking it out!!😃


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